Verso articles

New Horticultural Hall Opening – 1887

When the Diamond Creek Horticultural Society held its third annual exhibition on Thursday, 10th March 1887, there must have been a great deal of excitement that it was to be in the newly-erected Horticultural Hall. The hall was purpose built for horticultural displays and measured 50 feet by 26 feet. It was built on land […]

Three Local Servicemen Mateship, Marriage and Loss in WW1

Talk given by Jean Verso at the ANZAC Day Service at Kangaroo Ground War Memorial Park on 25 April 2024. My talk today is about three local servicemen who served in WW1. My great uncles STANLEY BRUNKER VERSO and ALLAN JOSEPH JOHN VERSO from Hurstbridge, and their mate CHARLES JAMES CALLAN from Queenstown, present day […]